Open hours: 8.00-12.00 Mon-Sat

Learning with Fun

When learning is fun, you can see a positive influence on both your learners and organisation! After all, fun has a positive effect on motivation levels, determining what we learn and how much we retain.


Using games in education mostly focuses on improving critical thinking skills while teaching a particular subject, by allowing students to think outside the box as they follow rules. There are other games that can be used which limit to improving knowledge in a specific subject.

Activity Based Learning

Activity-based learning is the process of learning by practically doing. As opposed to asking the learners to simply listen and memorize, activity-based learning encourages students to actively participate in their own learning experience through practically engaging in activities.


Education is important to society because a person who is educated can develop his moral and ethical values in society. It helps us to spread knowledge in society through any mode. Education is known to everyone that a person with great knowledge is appreciated by all the persons in society.

Who we are

Fable daycare, preschool, and kindergarten

Sainik Schools were introduced in India in 1961 with the primary aim of preparing boys academically, physically and mentally for entry into the National Defence Academy. The objectives of Sainik schools are to remove regional imbalance in the officer cadre of the defence services, to develop qualities of body, mind and character which will enable the young boys of today to become good and useful citizens of tomorrow and to bring public school education within the reach of the common man.

Best Infrastructure Play Ground Various Functional Labs Skill Oriented Education

Skills and Experience

Fable daycare, preschool, and kindergarten

Playing Science
Arts And Craft
Creative Writing
English Lessons
Outdoor Sports
ICT Skills
Playing Science
Overall Development