Learn with fun
Our preschool program has six dedicated classes
Drawing is one of the early foundations of logical thinking or abstract thought. Whether your child is still at home with you or at school already, drawing helps them prepare for understanding more difficult concepts.
Dance helps improve overall fitness, endurance, muscle toning and strengthening. It involves cardiovascular/ aerobic fitness, core and strength training and stretches for flexibility. Students work together in a group and this sense of team spirit encourages them.
The art of practicing yoga helps in controlling an individual's mind, body and soul. It brings together physical and mental disciplines to achieve a peaceful body and mind; it helps manage stress and anxiety and keeps you relaxing.
Assemblies are an important feature of School's routine. They also form a significant part of the school's curriculum. They are a means to create a positive, reflective ethos and promote value-based education
Letter matching give children a way to interact with the alphabet. They are able to feel the shape of the letter and arrange multiple letters to form letter strings or words.They can see the curves and the lines that come together to form each letter.
Students start by learning to physically write, both by hand and by typing on a computer. Both exercises require learning fine motor skills and cognitive processes to convey meaning through words. Vocabulary, grammar, and syntax instruction follow, becoming increasingly complex as writing tasks are assigned throughout the grades.
Letter matching give children a way to interact with the alphabet. They are able to feel the shape of the letter and arrange multiple letters to form letter strings or words.They can see the curves and the lines that come together to form each letter.
The students learn different skills like rhythm, flexibility, and coordination. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. The perfect class for your child with the best.
We are glad to introduce our facilities
A wide variety of educational methods and learning strategies encompassing the distinct learning needs of students allows us to do away with the rote teaching techniques and tedious drills for students. These methods focus on the development of skills and practices that enable independent problem-solving and lifelong learning
Virtual classes are conducted by experts on various topics to help students avail the experience of learning from a master on those particular subjects. A Virtual Learning Environment or learning platform allows teachers to share educational materials with their pupils via the web. Teachers have the opportunity to create an exciting virtual space to represent their room.
The interdisciplinary approach adopted at SSCN Primary school, helps students to develop knowledge, insights, problem-solving skills, self-confidence, self-efficacy, and a passion for learning. This approach makes the students think critically, tolerate ambiguity as well as acknowledge and appreciate ethical concerns.
Realizing the need of the hour, the SSCN Primary school has come up with the concept of Communication Lab for improving students’ linguistic skills like listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Good communication skills are indispensable for the success of any profession.The four skills of reading, writing, listening, and speaking have to be practiced.
The enhancement of physical and mental development of children is certainly the most important contribution of sports.Sports bring people together from all over the world, regardless of their nationality, religion, culture, or skin color.Teamwork and benefits of social interaction among children are best seen in sports.Sport is an important learning environment for children.
Actvivities with fun